Hand inserting EV charging plug to electric vehicle in focus shot with blurred background of outdoor natural greenery.


How Mudd Embraces the Electric Vehicle Future

As automakers race to position themselves as leaders in innovation and sustainability, your investment in electric vehicles (EVs) is a golden ticket to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving industry. EV (Electric Vehicle) strategies need to look to the future with them, and Mudd can help!

Balancing Priorities in the Automotive Ecosystem

Creating tailored marketing campaigns that target eco-conscious consumers and highlight the environmental advantages of EVs is essential. The automotive ecosystem balances brand positioning, sales, and profitability. These priorities require collaboration and integration of EV models into marketing campaigns to raise consumer awareness and drive interest in electric mobility. 

EV Sales Projections 

From 2018 to 2022, US EV sales projections for 2030 more than doubled, growing from an estimated 21% to 53%. Each year that BCG (Boston Consulting Group) released a report, sales projections for 2030 continued to grow:

  • 2018 Report: 21%
  • 2020 Report: 26%
  • 2021 Report: 42%
  • 2022 Report: 53%

Source: Recurrent Auto Research

Leveraging Traditional and Digital Marketing Expertise

Our digital marketing experts harness the power of social media platforms to create buzz around your EVs. We employ targeted advertising and engaging social media content to reach a broader audience and generate excitement.

Utilizing Groundbreaking Technology

Our identity resolution technology, MUDDid, empowers our dealership clients with a cutting-edge, cookie-less platform that maximizes the use of first-party data. Serving as an exclusive "capstone solution," MUDDid not only resolves first-party leads but also offers additional exposure exclusively to double-opted-in prospective customers, prioritizing privacy protection while enhancing engagement and conversion rates. It also provides:

  • Enhanced Audience Targeting: Identify and target in-market EV shoppers with precision.
  • Efficient Lead Management: Streamline EV lead handling and conversion processes.
  • Comprehensive Marketing Reach: Maximize exposure using first-party data insights.
  • Drive Showroom Traffic: Increase visits with targeted marketing strategies.

Customized Marketing Solutions

We offer customized marketing solutions based on data-driven insights. Whether it's targeted EV prospect email campaigns, personalized ads, or retargeting strategies, we ensure your message reaches the right audience at the right time.

Creative and Data-Driven Strategies

With our expertise in creative marketing and data-driven strategies, we help automotive clients navigate the transition to EVs and build a sustainable, future-focused brand.

Commitment to Sustainability

At Mudd, we don’t just talk the talk. With our own 143-panel solar array we’ve embraced solar energy and a renewable future. Initiatives such as this demonstrate our commitment to sustainability. 

Ready to Charge Ahead?

Let’s make the electric vehicle future bright and exciting together. At Mudd Advertising, "We Love it When You Succeed," and we're here to ensure your success in the EV market.