Guest Blogger | MIT: Just an Ivy League College?
What do you think of when I throw out the letters M.I.T.? An Ivy League school? Try an effective media tracking tool called Mudd Media Inside Track that automotive dealers would really benefit from using.
How many times do you ask yourself…
Did this campaign really work? Is the TV station mix effective? Everyone is quoting Nielsen and Arbitron data... What really works for my dealership?
M.I.T. is the most valuable tool to answer all of your media questions. M.I.T. is a brief, yet effective, top-of-mind awareness survey that asks your customers about their media consumption habits. What stations do they listen to and at what times? Do they read the newspaper? Do they use the Internet to shop for a vehicle? Why did they come to this dealership? These are just a few of the 13 questions asked on this fill-in-the-blank survey.
So, what does this mean for your dealership? It means getting rid of waste. It means utilizing the most effective media mix, at the correct times, with the correct message. It’s something that every dealer strives for, but M.I.T. actually helps dealers attain it.
If 65% of your customers say they don’t read the newspaper, why spend $8,000 a month advertising in the newspaper? If your customers tell you they quit listening to the #1-rated radio station and start listening to the #4-rated station at 9:00, why continue to pay premium dollars on the #1 station?
These are the very insights M.I.T. can provide, and these are the very reasons I’m such a huge proponent of this tool. Using M.I.T. pinpoints the media consumption behaviors of the people you are trying to target with your advertising - your actual customers. I love M.I.T. because it takes out the guesswork, replaces it with a laser-focus and directly benefits my clients.
Mudd Media Inside Track has helped automotive dealerships across the country spend less money and sell more cars, maximizing their advertising budgets dollar for dollar. Simply put, Mudd’s MIT may not be an Ivy League school, but I promise you it’s definitely of Ivy League caliber.
Have questions about M.I.T.? Feel free to comment below or contact me. I would love to chat with you about how our team can help launch your dealership to further success by putting the power of Mudd Media Inside Track to work for you.
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