Are you reaching the Millennial Mom?
Last week I came across the article Five Tips on Marketing to the Millennial Mom from Advertising Age that emphasized the importance of understanding the millennial mom. Why? Because today’s moms aren’t just looking for a good deal, they want to know they are making a positive impact on society and the environment with their purchases and investments. They dubbed it the ‘triple bottom line.’
First, the facts:
Let’s look at the facts: So, moms want to see their actions contribute to a greater cause while getting a great deal at the same time. And they are even more present as a social, savvy and let’s face it – hip mom. It’s pretty interesting stuff if you ask me. For a dealership, that could change the way they approach moms entirely. It’s no longer just about how much they can get for their trade and the features of the kid-friendly, grocery-getting, vacation-stowing and safety-first vehicle; it’s knowing that their minivan is going to help the environment or supporting a cause.
And what exactly does this mean for dealers?
So what does this mean when Mom steps on your lot? Make her feel like she is the only one on the lot. Listen, listen, listen. Explain what your dealership is doing to improve the environment and your community. Tie in one of your events with a local or national cause. For example, a portion of your revenue could go toward The American Heart Association or you could show your support in the community by participating in a cancer walk. Make moms feel like they have made a difference in the world by purchasing their vehicle through your dealership instead of the dealer next door.
How can you reach them?
According to MrYouth and Repnation’s Millennial Mom 101, today’s moms are quicker than any other generation to integrate new technologies, even trumping college students! One way to reach moms is through Facebook. If you already have a Facebook page, emphasize that one of your events is giving back to the community, or create a discussion board around how your new line of vehicles reduces gas emissions. Both of these options are easy to manage, and better yet, free! That’s not to say that direct mail and television ads are obsolete. As long as your message feels like a special message to mom, that will resonate with her. Personalization is key in today’s society, make mom feel special before she steps on your lot. Then, while she’s there, listen to what she has to say and find the vehicle that works best for her needs and lets her reach her triple bottom line.
To wrap it up
Moms today want to feel proud of their purchases and know that they ultimately are improving their community, the environment and themselves. This is just barely breaking the surface of the Millennial Mom, but hopefully these tidbits help you get on your way to understanding the connected web that makes up today’s mom.
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