

Let’s leverage!

Mudd gets results by leveraging 1st party data.

In December of ’23, one of our clients in Arizona started utilizing Mudd’s Performance Max Match campaign.  Using Mudd’s LMS to dissect their ‘23 leads, historical sales data, and historical service data, Mudd served ads to 18,000+ previous customers and potential customers. That resulted in 448 hard conversions and 49 units sold.

Mudd gets results by leveraging video.

In February of 2024 one of our Chevrolet dealers was hitting Impression Share goals with digital executions but not exceeding their sales goals, So. Mudd added a You-Tube Large Screen Video strategy to increase the reach of frequency of our offers in market to auto intenders.

With a balanced approach of Search Engine Marketing, Social Advertising, and now Digital Video Advertising, Mudd was able to help this dealer hit the market in a true omni-channel fashion driving new car sales to a 68% YOY increase!

Are you looking for leverage? Call Mudd!