

Dominate Local Search Engine Results

There has always been a strong demand from consumers for local products and services.  The only thing that has changed is how they are getting information on these products and services.  How many times have you searched for something local on Google and clicked to the second page?  How many times have you even scrolled past the 7th or 8th result?  Almost never, right?  We built our local search engine optimization (SEO) service on people’s tendency to rely only on the top search results for answers and information – and that is where YOUR business needs to be! Local Search vs. Regular Search Local search queries are different the regular search queries because users are adding a “geo-modifier” component such as a city, state, zip code or address to their search along with the product or service they are looking for.  For example, if I were looking for golf equipment and wanted to buy in Waterloo Iowa, I would search for “golf equipment waterloo ia”.  In this particular case, Google is displaying their “7-pack” of local listings. In recent months, Google began introducing their “blended” local results which include both organic listings and their Google maps listing results in one.  Below is an example: It is very important to search for your targeted keywords so you know how Google is displaying their results because you need to adjust your SEO strategy accordingly. Some quick stats:
  • 97% of consumers in the U.S. use the internet when researching products or services in their local area (Kelsey Group)
    • Once searchers find a local business, over 80% of them make contact offline (comScore)
    • For every one dollar U.S. consumers spend online, another five or six are going to offline purchases that are influenced by online research (MIT Technology Review)
    • 73% of activity online is in one way or another “related to local content” (Google, 5/07)
Google’s focus on local businesses has resulted in a major changes compared to how they displayed local results in the past.  Local businesses now have an advantage over national competitors because Google is showing its places listings above all other listings, as well as combining them with organic listings.  This now calls for local business to have a strong Google Places listing, as well as a search engine friendly website that is optimized for the proper keywords. How can your business rank well and compete with your competitors online? Keys to Building a Powerful Local SEO Campaign:
  1. Your Website – have a search engine friendly website with a good URL, page titles, meta description, H1 and H2 tags and solid content throughout the site
  2. Complete Google Places listing – claim your Google places listing and make sure all information is accurate.
  3. Build more citations – claim and submit information on other search engines, directories, review sites and authoritative sources across the web.
  4. Consistency across all channels
What do you get with Mudd Advertising Local SEO?
  1. Website and website modifications - we can design and develop your website, or assist you in fixing key issues
  2. Google Places - We claim and optimize your listing for you
  3. Other major search engines - We manage your information across all other search engines, directories, review sites and authoritative sources on the web.
  4. Build citations (2nd tier) - Mudd helps build additional citations across the web which help provide "local link juice"
  5. Reviews - We help you come up with creative ideas to encourage people to leave positive reviews which help boost rankings
  6. Videos - Create marketing videos that show up in the search results and help drive traffic to your site and create leads
  7. Indexing - Ensure that your website and citations are being properly indexed so the search engines recognize them
  8. Local link building 0- find other local websites to build links on
  9. Social Media/Content Strategy/Blogging - Assist with setting up social media accounts and producing quality, engaging content across the web
Interested in seeing how Mudd Advertising's Local SEO can help your business?  Contact Us or Call us at 319-575-0235