

Game Changer

Car companies are constantly changing their advertising techniques in order to stay relevant to their target markets. This is an ever-changing process that keeps the car industry competitive and entertaining for the consumers.  Don’t act like you don’t enjoy watching the Hip-Hop hamsters drive a Kia while dancing. What about the purple genie who makes the “spare tire” disappear? Don’t pretend that you don’t like the commercial where the little girl seemingly grows up right in front of her father’s eyes while sitting in the driver’s seat of a Subaru. Some commercials are just downright funny, while some actually tug at your heartstrings. Mazda recently announced that their newest advertising campaign to be released is called ‘Game Changers’.  This campaign will feature a number of historically significant people who are innovators.  People that have excelled at what they good at.  These heroes are going to be compared to the way Mazda has impacted the auto industry. Russell Wager, the vice president of Mazda North American Operations’ marketing department, truly believes that this particular campaign will live up to its name as a game changer and create such results for the history of Mazda. However, only time will tell. It is true that not all ad campaigns out there end up being effective. But one thing is for sure: I sure love seeing what crazy and creative storylines they will come up with next.   Site used: http://www.autoguide.com/auto-news/2013/05/mazda-announces-game-changers-advertising-campaign.html